
                    Infoline: +420 778 820 820 / *88 for customers            MY OPENCALL

Send code 24NEO
to 999348 and get
for 24 hours for 49 CZK!


Get 1 GB of data every time you top up your credit for 300 CZK

International calls from 1.80 CZK

Calling to all mobile networks in Czechia for 1,80 CZK

Data packages up to 20 GB

Customer helpline in 6 languages (CZ, EN, RU, UA, BG, VN)

Still don’t have the OpenCall card?

Order our SIM card from the comfort of home. Shipment is fast and free of charge!

Data packages

Hardly use the Internet, or can’t imagine a day without it? We offer something for everyone.


2 GB

149 CZK/30 days

To activate the DATA M Package send an SMS with the text DATAM A to 999348.

1 GB more for 99 CZK


8 GB

249 CZK/30 days

To activate the DATA L Package send an SMS with the text DATAL A to 999348.

3 GB more for 199 CZK


16 GB

349 CZK/30 days

To activate the DATA XL Package send an SMS with the text DATAXL A to 999348.

6 GB more for 299 CZK


30 GB

499 CZK/30 days

To activate the DATA XXL Package send an SMS with the text DATAXXL A to 999348.

10 GB more for 499 CZK

International calls from 1.80 CZK

We know how important it is to stay in contact with your family when you’re abroad. Find out how much it is to call home! Find out how much it is to call home!

Unlimited calls in OpenCall network
only for 69 CZK/month

Unlimited call to your friends all month. With the Plus package you no longer have to check how long you’re calling for!

Unlimited calling to all networks in CZ
99 CZK/ 10 days

With this package you don’t need to worry about what network you’re calling to or how long your call will be!

Transfer number

Are you using the services of another operator, but you’d rather transfer to us?

Buy SIM card online

Order your SIM card from the comfort of home. It’ll reach you in 2-3 days and shipment is free!

OpenCall sales points

Want to buy a SIM card in person? Find your nearest sales point and drop by. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Top up credit

Top up credit through our website, or check out the other options. We have a solution for everybody!